Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Fat Ass

As I said in the previous post, had our family reunion over the weekend... Well, thanks to the wonderful magic of digital cameras, I have been getting emails with pictures of the weekend. Let me just say that I view them all as motivation to become anorexic! OH MY GOSH! I need to seriously start working to lose this baby weight. I just can't stand it. This picture is of BIL (who's tanning, has nails and IS losing weight for her wedding), me and my happy little baby. I see how happy she is, and thus I am, and I'm just amazed at how my priorities have changed.

I was once the "have to be trendy/cute" girl and now I'm the "lucky to get a shower" mommy. It's amazing. I am getting my hair cut and hi-lighted tomorrow, and I am really hoping it boosts my self esteem a little bit. Need something... between PMS and really bad pictures being sent around the entire country for various family members to see, I am really feeling fantastic let me tell you!

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