Thursday, September 29, 2005


So y'all know how my mother-in-law is - has stayed at home all her life and is the world's greatest cook. She knows she's a great cook, but she still revels in the praises she receives when people come over to eat her food. So, last year, she decided to have a neighborhood chili cook-off at her house. Judges and everything. Well, she won, of course. So, this year, she decides to have a rib cook-off, but she's "not going to enter." She's just going to make other stuff and desserts. Ya know, she's just too good and would win again for sure if she entered! Ha! Yeah, so she didn't enter, but Jerry's dad decided to enter his own ribs. He wanted to prove a point to MIL - that he was capable of making good food too. Yeah well, FIL won! Yeah, he won. She just didn't quite know how to handle that. That means that next year the cook-off is at their house again, he picked wings. Wings are FIL's specialty, and MIL doesn't even like wings. I wonder if she'll enter just to spite him? Funny.


Sometimes I seriously wonder why I trust my MIL to take care of my daughter all day, because sometimes I really struggle to understand why she does some of the stupidest things on earth!

For the past two nights she has called us around 8:30 - knowing this is right around Madeline's bed time. I have answered the phone both times. The conversation goes as follows, "Did Maddy get her ears pierced?" "No." "Oh, what's she doing?" "She's in bed, asleep." "Oh, okay, I'll see her tomorrow."

WHY is she calling me about this? Everyday? We said we MIGHT get her ears pierced this week. MAYBE. Stupid, pointless conversation. I know that if and when we do get her ears pierced, Jer will call MIL when we get home to report in on how it went. She DOES NOT need to call and ask. That's seriously the end of the conversation. Nothing else.

OH, and you should hear her talk to us about the whole "moving debate." She is absolutely against us moving anywhere that's not "right around the corner." She keeps trying to come up with these scenarios and is so negative about everything. We went looking at houses on Sunday, and when we came back (and went over her house for this stupid Rib Cook-Off that I will post about later) she asked if we found anything. I just said, "No, not really." She says, "Why? The drive is too far hah." I said, "No, that's not it at all." She said, "Too expensive." I said, "No, not at all." Then she says, "What are you guys going to do when she starts school?" I said, "Jer wants to look for a job in whatever district she's going to." She gives me this disgusted look. I said, "What's the difference? She won't go to the school district near your house now, b/c we don't live in your city anyways." She said, "Yeah, but now you're just right around the corner." I said, "Yeah, but with my new job, I get a laptop and can work at home when I need to, so whatever the situation may be, I can work around it." She really didn't have a response.

She is absolutely unsupportive about this career move. Yes, she said congratulations, but her immediate comment was that she was going to trade in the car we bought her and get a Lexus. She has not asked one question about what I will do there or what that means for us. All she knows is that it's over her head, and she hates that she can't have a conversation with me about it and actually understand anything I tell her.

She seriously just cares about Madeline and getting to watch her b/c she has control in that situation. Everyone can gush about how hard it must be for her and how great it is that she does that for us, blah, blah. As long as she watches the babies, she is the family hero.

Don't get me wrong - I am thoroughly grateful for the childcare and for the fact that a trusted family member is watching Maddy all day. BUT, she is still my MIL and ya know, I still have those lovely feelings about her that all daughter-in-laws have at some point. I wish she would just respect my career for what it is and be a little more supportive of those accomplishments. Family is really really important, but it is not all there is to life, and I know she just doesn't understand how anything but family can be a priority to any woman.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

2 Weeks off to...

1. Clean out and organize my closet
2. Get a good start on Maddy's scrapbook
3. Get a permanent crown put on my tooth
4. Get my physical, drug test, TB test and fingerprinting done for my new job
5. Take Maddy to visit my mom at work
6. Have 3 stamping events
7. Celebrate Sweetest Day
8. Clean my entire house
9. Shop for a whole new "business formal" wardrobe
10. Spend some time with my daughter

Do you think I can fit it all in?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Day with my Daughter

Yesterday was Madeline's 6 month check-up, so I stayed home to be with her after those nasty shots. She was so sweet - all sleepy and snuggly. It was nice to be there to hold her. I can't believe she's already 6 months old! That's just crazy. She's getting so big, and soooo active. She rolls all over the place and just can't sit still. She's just adorable.

Now, it's back to the grind today. Trying to get things all wrapped up in the next two weeks. Next Fri. (Oct. 7) is my last day here. I don't start my new job unti lthe 24th. Two weeks off with the baby! Can't wait.

It's so hard to stay focused on things here, but I'm doing my best.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Tidbits About Moi...

Saw this floating around on a few blogs today, so I thought I'd follow suit...

1. Legal First name? Amanda
2. Were you named after anyone? Nope. It was the second most popular name the year I was born.
3. Do you wish on stars? Yes
4. When did you last cry? Last weekend. That damn Jerry!
5. What is your favorite lunch meat? Smoked turkey.
6. What is your birth date? June 25th
7. Whats your most embarrassing CD? Kelly Clarkson.
8. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely.
9. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not all that much.
10. What are your nicknames? Mandy, Palsy-Walsy (only by my grandpa)
11. Would you bungee jump? Yes, but only if hubby did it with me. I would never have the balls to do it by myself.
12. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yep, every time.
13. Do you think that you are strong? Physically - not at all. Mentally - I'm as tough as nails (HA!).
14. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
15. Shoe Size? 7 wide (Yeah, I got fat feet)
16. Red or pink? Pink. Without question.
17. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? That I've gained so much weight in the last two years.
18. Who do you miss most? The guy that Jerry was when we first met - so lovey/dovey and romantic.
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Jeans and brown shoes.
20. What are you listening to right now? Some chick a few cubicles over mumbling on the phone.
21. What did you eat for breakfast? A donut and a cappaccino. (And I wonder why I've gained weight?)
22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Denim blue.
23. What is the weather like right now? Rainy.
24. Last person you talked to on the phone? A fact-checker at Seventeen magazine.
25.The first things you notice about the opposite sex? Smile.
26. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes.
27. Favorite Drink? Mountain Dew. Alcoholic - amaretto sour.
28. Hair Color? Natural? Dark brown. With the help of stylist - blonde.
29. Do you wear contacts? Nope. Have perfect vision.
30. Favorite Food? Chicken fingers and fries. I get them wherever we go.
31. Last Movie You Watched? The Grudge - last weekend. Totally stupid movie.
32. Favorite Day Of The Year? Christmas.
33. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? Happy endings.
34. Summer Or Winter? Summer - Jerry's home with Maddy and she's not subjected to MIL all day.
35. Hugs OR Kisses? Hugs - great big bear hugs.
36. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake.
37. Living Arrangements? With hubby, daughter Maddy and dog Mugsy.
38. What Books Are You Reading? As if I have time for reading?
39. What's On Your Mouse Pad? It's this ugly gray thing from work.
40.What Did You Watch Last night on TV? TV? What the hell is that?
41. Favorite Smells? Maddy.
42. Favorite junk food? This is the hardest question on earth for me - as I love any and all junk food.
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles? The Beatles.
44. What's the farthest you've been from home? Europe, twice.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Mom

My mom is a wonderful and inspiring woman, but sometimes she drives me just plain crazy.

Here's the background on my relationship with mommy dearest: OK, hold onto your seats... I'm 26 and my mom is 41. Yep, she turned 15 a whole 9 days before I was born. She was 14 when she got pregnant and 14 when she married my dad. They are still married. She was a fresman in high school! My dad is 45. They had my brother when my mom was the much older age of 16! Yeah, so they worked their asses off to provide for us. Working several jobs, going to school at night, sharing an old car, and all kinds of other things to get where they are today. My mom is an accountant and my dad is an engineer! Go figure! (I told you she was inspiring)

Anyhow, as you can imagine, having a mom that is only 15 years older than you can be really fun. We've always been really close and "friends" most of the time. She knows me better than anybody, and she's always there when I need her. Since I've become a mom myself, our relationship has grown even stronger, and it really has made me appreciate even more all that she sacrificed in order for my brother and I to succeed and have everything we ever needed.

Now, all that being said... She also drives me nuts sometimes!

Last night was our stamping club meeting (I have 15 women that meet at my house once a month for a stamping class that I teach and they place orders). This is the second year for the club, and it's a really great thing for all of us. But anyways, it takes me a few hours each month to prepare - design projects, cut paper, organize supplies, etc., and with a 6 month old finding that time is not easy. I usually cram it all in the night before (Monday night this week). So, imagine my dismay that when I present one of the projects, my mom makes this snurled up face and says, "I don't like that." I was just like whatever! Holy shit was I pissed. She said this right in front of everyone else, and then they all start telling me that they do like it and are all sympathetic about it.

Now, I will admit that it wasn't one of my best projects, but I designed it using extra supplies I had left over from a stamp camp (rather than my typical design approach of creating something really beautiful and finding all the supplies I need). But, the point is that I took the time to design it, cut all the paper for it and everyone else was fine with it AND SHE has to go and make her little comment OUT LOUD! Ugh. I pretty much ignored her and went on with the class.

So, she knew she pissed me off. I come in to work this morning, and she sends me this all apologetic email. OK, but it doesn't end there.

She also includes in the email this rant that she was upset b/c she didn't get to see Maddy last night, and she's feeling bad that Jer's family gets to spend more time with her. Now, Jerry took Maddy shopping last night b/c it is way too hard for me to teach the class with her there. And, he went shopping with his Mom and Dad to one of those wholesale stores. What the hell does she want me to do? I cannot help that she lives 45 minutes away and Jer's parents live 10 minutes away. Having Jer's mom watch her during the day is the best child care situation we could ask for. I have 15 women at stamp club to stamp, not entertain my child. Ugh.

I understand that she has these feelings, but please don't make me feel bad about it. I have to do what is best for me and my family, which doesn't always mean what is best and/or the most loved by my mom. She would be more understanding of that.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Big Lunch Date

Today I had lunch with a guy that I went to college with. He's in the same field as I am, and we've kept tabs on each other off and on. He's looking for freelance work, and we need some here, so we met up to chat. Turns out he's been interviewing at the place where I just got hired! Yeah, small world. There are still open positions there. Since we left lunch (around 2), my friend sent an email to my new boss, my new boss called to ask me about him, and I think my current employer is probably going to ask him to freelance, if not replace me! Crazy. Yeah, I just called him and I think he would literally kiss my ass right now! Yeah, Pete, you're welcome!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Peace of Mind

Last night I got all of my stamping stuff done and ready to go for tomorrow night. That is such a huge relief. I have a haircut tonight - I'm psyched about that. I love going to get my hair done! So, now I can just sit back, relax and enjoy it.

Hubby kept Maddy at his mom's last night for a long time so I could have some time to myself. It was so nice. I felt a little guilty b/c I didn't see her at all yesterday (she was sleeping when he brought her home), but then when she woke up at 3:30 a.m. and I had to spend like 45 minutes getting her back to sleep, that guilty feeling slightly went away :) No, seriously. It was nice to get some things done and get caught up, especially after the relief I felt after giving my notice yesterday.

I feel good today. I have a lot of things to transition over and wrap up here, but overall, I don't think it is going to be as hard as I had imagined.

Monday, September 19, 2005

I Did It!

I did it. I told them, and it went surprisingly well. They were happy for me, and I am now about 50 pounds lighter, due to the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. Wow. I feel really good now, but am a little scared and nervous still. Should be a really good change for me though.

What a Monday.

Scared and a little sad

I have to give my notice here at work today. I'm scared and nervous because I'm not sure what to say. This is coming out of nowhere for them, and it's the busiest time of year. I'm sad because these are my friends. I've worked with them for 2 years and we are a small, close-knit group. I have thought about this nearly every second since I got the call on Friday. What do I say? How do I approach this? Who do I tell first? When do I tell other people in the company? What are they going to say? How are they going to react? I have to give the new place a start date - what should that be?

There are so many loose ends that I will have to wrap up, and I'm sad that I'm going to miss out on some big projects I've been working on, some for years, and I'm sad because I'm going to be leaving behind a job that I know and do very well for something that is completely new and different. I'm scared because the people at the new place literally created this position for me, and I don't want to let them down. I'm thrilled by the confidence they have in me, but I really want to exceed all expectations.

I never would've thought I'd be leaving here this soon. I expected to stay for at least a few more years, but this is an opportunity that is really too good to be true. It's hard because this is a place that people stick around. My two bosses have each been year for about 15 years. I'm nervous about telling them, but I have to do it in an hour. Woah. My stomach hurts.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Shaking with Excitement!

I got the job AND I got the salary I asked for.... WOOHOO!

Now, I have to figure out when I want to start. I am dreading giving my notice here. My boss is going to freak out, as she suspects nothing. I am sad about leaving my friends here, but you know this is definitely the best move for my career. I'm excited and scared and nervous and happy all at the same time.


I can't wait to go home and celebrate with Jer.

Just Wanna Puke

I am a nervous wreck and I'm all nauseous... You see I was supposed to hear from the secret guy today, and I haven't yet, so I just sent him an email. I told him that I had another potential opportunity (total lie) and was really hoping to think through some things over the weekend. I asked for any info he could share at this point. Now, I just wanna barf waiting for his reply. He's a speedy email guy, and I'm a nervous wreck. This job thing will totally change my life, and I'm kinda comfortable where I'm at, got a routine down and love the people I work with... It's just I need a challenge, I need room to grow and goals to work towards. Aghhhh. I want to scream. I don't think I can handle another weekend of not knowing anything. My horoscope said that really great things would happen with my career today, so I'm taking comfort in that.

I'll keep ya posted.

Wow! Do I have a lot going on!

So, here's a little update... I am supposed to talk to the secret people by the "end of the week." Today is the end of the week, right? OK. So, I'm a nervous wreck about this. I just want the process to be over and know for sure what the heck I'm doing with my career. Ugh. Dude, just call me already!!!!

Tomorrow morning I am heading out with Maddy for some retail therapy. In major need of some shoes and some dark brown pants. Jerry has a golf outing, so it'll be a good time to go and get some things done.

Sunday, we have a work event and I have to go. I'm bringing my mom and grandma, and the baby, because I think it will actually be a good time.

Now, on Monday I have a dentist appt. to get a crown put on. Tuesday, I have a hair appt. Wednesday, I have stamping club. Saturday, I have a stamping class. I know there is also something next Friday that I can't think of right now.

Somewhere in the mix of all this, I have to do the prep work for my club and class.... Hmmm.... How am I going to get this all done and manage to take care of the baby? Wow. I'm a busy girl, and I'm getting a little stressed out.

Oh yeah, and I didn't even post that I have this nasty stye on my right eye. My eyelid is all swollen and red, and for the last two days I can't open my eye really good in the morning. It hurts like hell. Beautiful. I kinda look like I got punched in the eye.

You know, it's Friday. I should be happy and feeling good 'cuz it's the weekend. Yeah right. I think my weekends are more tiring than the week nights!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


So, on Tuesday, Jenna got a "toother." Yep, before my precious Madeline. This was a weird revelation for me - Jenna doing something first. I was pregnant first, Maddy was born first, Maddy smiled first, laughed first, stuck her tongue out first, figured out all the toys first, and now BAM! MIL called to tell me that Jenna got a "toother." Yes, notice I said MIL, not SIL. MIL spends just about as much time, if not more, with Jenna than SIL does. It's amazing to me. SIL never goes home and her hubby never comes to MIL's house - it's weird. He's always "mowing the lawn" or something. Anyhow, back to the "toother" business.

Madeline is hard core teething. There is a "bump" on the bottom, and there's a "toother" on the verge of exposing itself, but in the meantime, she's a little crabby. You can tell when her mouth is bothering her, and lately we've spent a lot of time with our fingers in her mouth, holding cold teethers and giving her Tylenol every so often. I wish it would just "appear" already!

Jenna didn't go through any of this - she just drools all the time - so we weren't expecting her to have a tooth first at all. Oh well, I'd take a happy toothless baby to a crabby baby with teeth any day!

The Cutest Baby Ever

Is she not the cutest thing? Her parents must be really good looking people :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Sad Few Days

Sorry for the lack of posts these last few days. My grandma passed away on Saturday morning, and I was pretty busy with my family. It was dad's mom, and that side of my family is HUGE. My dad has 6 brothers and 1 sister. My grandma had 24 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren! She was 79, and she's been sick for a long time. It wasn't a big surprise at all, but still very sad.

My grandma always had this big vegetable garden, and I remember spending a lot of time sitting on her front porch "stringing beans" with her. I also remember that my grandma was the only one who I let french braid my hair (she was the only one that did it "right"). I remember that they were one of the first people I knew that got cable TV, and I spent a lot of time watching HBO and MTV there.

These last few years I really didn't spend too much time with her. She was really sick and in and out of nursing homes and the hospital. It was hard to see her like that, and I really stayed away. I really regret that she only ever held Maddy one time - on Mother's Day.

Yesterday, at the funeral, it was so weird because initially I wasn't really that sad about it, because she wasn't suffering anymore. She looked really peaceful. But, the part that hit me the hardest was seeing my dad and his siblings, and my grandpa, really break down. It then really hit home at how hard it would be to lose my mom or Jerry. My dad cried hard, and that was hard for me to see.

It was really sweet to watch my grandpa. When they told him that she had passed away, his only words were "At least she's not suffering anymore." And to watch him over the course of the last few days, you could just see how lost he was without her. He waited until everybody left the funeral home on Monday night, and then spent a lot of time saying his goodbyes. Yesterday, he was the last one to put a flower on her casket, and then to see him with his frail hand just pat it so gently was so sad.

We had a lunch afterwards, and just our family alone was 125 people. That's amazing to me. All of these people exist because of them. All because she married my grandpa when she was 16 years old. They were married for 63 years. That's incredible to me.

I told you she had 29 great-grandchildren. 5 of them were born in 2005. There were a lot of little kids and babies around the last few days. It was awesome to see her legacy. To know that her family will continue on and on, even though she's gone.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Another Crazy Weekend

I'm going to be tied up in meetings this morning, and training all afternoon, so I won't have much time to post.

I am heading out to a stamping swap tonight - insanity. 66 women stamping! Tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to, I have to pick my parents up from the airport AND we're having people over to watch the Ohio State game. Sunday, we're going to look at some houses.

Gonna be a busy little bee...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Waiting Game...

OK. So here's an update on my little secret. I got an email on Tues. that said, "I'm going to be blunt: I'm going to offer you a job." The thing is, he's trying to sort some things out with HR to make it all official and everything. SO, I have no idea what to expect... which of the several open positions he's offering me and/or if they will meet my salary requirements.... This is torture.

It's really stressing me out. It's hard to focus on my current work with this lingering in the back of my mind, and the thought of moving is pre-occupying Jer and I both. He keeps emailing me possible locations. It's exciting and scary, but just wish I knew if this was going to be worth all of this or not... I'm pretty it is, and I'm pretty sure this will be a HUGE career move for me, but we'll see. Haven't heard anything since Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sleepy Little Girl!

Madeline went to bed at 7:00 last night! She woke up at 10:15, and I put her in her jammies, fed her a bottle, and she went back to sleep until 6:00 this morning! MIL said she was crabby yesterday, and when Jer left to go to one of his many fantasy football drafts last night, I knew what she was talking about. Maddy was just fighting sleep. I put her in the jumper, then the exersaucer, then the swing, then I held her, then I fed her, then I changed her, then I put her in her crib, then I layed in our bed with her, then I put her in the jumper, then the exersaucer, then the swing, then I held her, then I fed her, then I changed her, then I put her in her crib AND she passed out. Somewhere in the rotation, I also walked her around outside, sang her a song, rocked her, gave her juice, gave her gas drops, thought about giving her a bath, and read her a book. Nothing really helped. She was just so overtired (primarily the result of a crappy night's sleep Monday night - see previous post).

She woke up super happy this morning. All she wanted to do was sit up in our bed and watch ESPN - it's so funny how much she loves to watch sports on TV. Her dad is really proud of that. She's going to be sitting up on her own any second now. She wants to sit and see everything - even when she's in the bath tub or you're holding her. It's already so obvious how independent she is going to be (sniff, sniff), but it's amazing to see her determination and watch her work so hard to do things. It's no wonder she needed more sleep.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Boys Drool...

Why is it that most men fail to see the logistical reasons why their children need to be at home at bed time? Or why they just seem to think that when their wife comes into the room where the men are having their "Hold 'Em" tournament that she's there to nag rather than look out for the best interest of her children?

Last night we went to a little cook-out at Jer's aunt's house. It started at 6 p.m. Now, before we drove out there, we had established that we would leave between 8 and 9, because that is when Maddy gets crabby and ready for bed. OK. We were agreed, and expectations were set.

We get there and all is well until they decided to have a "Hold 'Em" tournament at 7:30. They all scrounged around and begged the women for $5, and started the game. Well, at 8:05 I went out there (in the garage) to see how much longer. He said "1/2 hour." I said fine. Went inside with all the other female members of his family and entertained the "getting crabbier by the minute" Madeline. 1/2 hour later, I go outside. He says, "Just go home, someone will drop me off."

OK. This turned ugly, real fast. The guys all talk and decide that Jer's mom should go home with me, and then his sister, dad and brother-in-law will all go home in SIL's van. SIL and MIL were not happy with this plan at all, and SIL went outside and told them no.

What happened was Maddy and I went with SIL and Jenna and MIL in the van. Jer had to drive his dad, and BIL to their houses and then come home. He got home around midnight. Jackass. This meant that the garage door opened two more times and woke up the baby b/c it is directly underneath her room and it also meant that he woke me up. I was not happy. OH, and did I mention that I had felt like shit all day, feeling achy and tired and sick, and he knew this. He knew that I did not feel well, that the baby was ready for bed and that this was going to be inconvenient to all involved yet all the men went along and thought this was a great plan.

Now, I was not only pissed b/c he screwed up the plans, but this also meant that I had to put Maddy to bed, make her bottles and pack her bag for the week and take care of the dog by myself, while feeling like shit and just wanting to go to bed.

Maddy did not go to bed until 10 p.m., she woke up at 12:30, 3:00 and 5:00. Nice. All because he fucked up her routine and ruined the evening for all of us.

The dog needed to go out last night around 3:30, and he did it. He came back upstairs and said, "Let's just get rid of the dog." I said, "I'd rather just get rid of you."

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I've been debating all week about what to post on this subject, as it seems it impacting every aspect of everyone's lives these last few days, and I really don't have any really great philosophical/political insight to post. It's a national tragedy, and I can't imagine being one of those mothers without the means to provide for their babies. I see these horrible images all over the news, and I just can't bear to watch anymore. It's making it incredibly hard to do my job, because my job is to get our company "in the news," and right now, the only thing that is "news" is Katrina's aftermath. How can I even think that some new product is worth a press release right now?

This is also the first time I'm experiencing a tragedy like this as a wife and a mom. When 9/11 happened, I was a graduate student and wasn't even married yet or anything. It's amazing to me how much more emotional this has been for me. To know the love of a husband and a daughter, and to even fathom the idea of losing them or not being able to take care of them is just inconceivable.

I don't mean for this post to sound selfish, as it seems to really focus on how this is affecting me, but to be honest, this is all I really feel qualified to talk about. I can't begin to imagine how those people feel or how hard it is to have family/friends in those affected areas. I can't really comment on the whole political side of this either, because as much as I am NOT a Bush fan, I don't know if anyone can really put themselves in his shoes right now and make judgment of his decisions. This natural disaster has devastated our country, and I think everyone involved is just trying to do whatever they can to help.

All I can tell you is that even though I am here safe in Ohio, and I don't personally know anyone who was hit by the hurricane, it is still impacting my life both physically and mentally. I'm praying and giving in the ways I know how, and will continue to do so until this horrible chaos has returned some sense of normalcy.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Butterflies in my Belly

I had my second "secret" meeting yesterday. It was awesome! I think this would be the biggest and best career move for me EVER. They called me back already yesterday afternoon. They are putting together the formal offer. I'm kind-of freaking out.

This job would be a lot more responsibility and a lot more money. The thing that scares me and makes me really nervous is that we would probably have to move. It's pretty far away from where we live now. It's a do-able commute, but one that will make me very crabby. So, while hubby and I sat in the hot tub last night we were discussing possible relocation options. This is really big for us because we grew up in the town we live in now. I've pretty much been there my whole life.

I'm nervous, excited, scared all at the same time, which tells me this is the right thing to do.

I'm struggling a little bit too, because this move will officially make me the "provider" of our household. Until now, Jer and I have been pretty close on the salary meter (I've consistently been a notch higher, but not much). At any rate, this places less emphasis on my role as the "mom." If someone were to stay home with her, it would be Jerry. Part of me loves that I'm taking on this big role for our family, but then there is that "girly" part of me that wishes Jerry was "taking care of us." It's weird and hard to explain those feelings, but I know this will be the best thing for me to do.

Now, I just have to sit back and see what they bring to the table.