Thursday, June 30, 2005


I am a royal bitch today. I am so crabby and tired and I know I'm just bitchy. Maddy came to have lunch with me today too, and even that didn't really put in too much better of a mood. And, I have a stamping meeting tonight, to plan a stamp camp. This means that I will probably spend a good two hours figuring out what to do and telling everyone else what they're going to do. These meetings are always the same, and I think some women are just incapable of organizing any kind of an event. Plus I think most of them know I'm good at it, so they rely on me to do it, which is a nice compliment, but now that I have a baby and other craziness going on in my life, I do not have the time to be devoting hours and hours to one stamping afternoon. I really don't want to drive all the way out to where this meeting is either, but I know if I don't go and leave things up to the dumbasses I'll be mad at the plans. I'm taking the baby with me too, because Jerry has softball games tonight, so all the bitties will want to hold her... Ugh. Big sigh. I'm just glad I get to leave work in 15 minutes - I can go home and be a bitchy wife instead of sitting here being an unmotivated, bitchy employee.

I'm Strawberry!

You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.
You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

Dumb Husband

Maddy and Jerry stay home all day while Mommy works. While Mommy was on maternity leave, it was Daddy at work. When I was the one NOT working - I did everything for Maddy - made bottles, did her laundry, and all the basics (feeding, changing, etc.). I woke up with her every single time in the middle of the night while he snored the night away. Now, that I'm working and he's NOT - I have to wake him up to tell him she's crying, I still am making all the bottles and doing her laundry. He basically just feeds and changes her. This is all ok with me because I love being a mom and taking care of my baby, except for last night...

We went to my parents house for dinner (they live 45 minutes away). There were no bottles made because there were no bottles clean to make (he agreed that he would at least run the dishwasher with the bottles) before we left. So, I washed one by hand and took some powder with us for Maddy last night. We didn't leave my parents house until 10:15 (because Jer and my dad were online looking at fantasy baseball shit). So, we got home at 11:00, and I'm tired and crabby and I know I have to put Maddy to bed (she is also tired and crabby and it was past her bedtime). So, he says to me on the ride home, "Don't forget you have to make bottles before you go to bed!" I was so flipping pissed because during the day yesterday, he went golfing and left the baby with his mother while I worked all day, but I did it because I love my daughter and she needs to eat and her father is an asshole.

So, that was just the beginning.... Maddy woke up around 5 a.m. to eat. I heard her crying and woke up snoring husband. He goes into her room and feeds her, but then plops her back in the crib to take a shit. As I'm trying to get back to sleep I hear her crying and crying. I get up and realize he's in the bathroom, so I opened the door and asked what the hell he was doing... He said, "Go give her the pacifier."

OK - so tell me why it is that when he was working he was constantly reminding me that he had to work and how I was home all day so I should do everything and now that I work, I still have to do everything while he sits on his ass all day and/or goes golfing? This kills me. Especially because he paints this picture to everyone that he's "Mr. Mom" and does everything around the house. Whatever. He's more like a baby-sitter. He takes care of Maddy while he has to and the second I walk through the door, he's off duty. Jackass.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I'm Sorry...

I was just looking over my blog and I realized that I write way long posts. I'm sorry. I guess it just comes with the territory of being a writer for a living - I just love to write. And I think since I've never done this before, I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do.


I love shoes! I'm quite the shoe-aholic, but now my shoes are depressing me. You see, when I was pregnant my feet swelled up HUGE (I had big-time issues with swelling and water weight gain) and now my feet are 1/2 size bigger. They are longer and wider, and now my precious shoe collection is quickly becoming worthless. After my big shopping spree on Monday, I now have lots of fun new outfits, but I am quickly discovering that many of the shoes I thought would really make some of the outfits work, don't fit. It totally sucks. Today I brought two pairs of shoes to work, and both hurt my feet. I am currently wearing the lesser of the two evils, but these make my feet go numb because they are pushing on the tops of my arch so hard. It's horrible. I used to love my little size 6 1/2 feet, but now they look like fat stumps to me and I wear the most common size - 7. Ugh. The good news is that I don't have to wear the ugly pregnant shoes - slip on leather wide ugly flat shoes in brown or black (size 8's!!!)

MIL is 50

MIL's birthday is the day after mine, so it was this past Sunday and she turned 50. Well, SIL decided we needed to have her a surprise party and it should be at my house - so we're having her party this Sunday at chez moi. Well, this weekend also is my family reunion on Saturday and Sunday morning, and this reunion is the same weekend every year and we always go and it so fun. So, my weekend is completely booked up and we have another celebration because MIL is 50 (this is the third birthday celebration for her). We went out to dinner last week with his family, went to Salt Fork to "surprise" her for the day and now have this party. My God, she just turned 50 - it's not like she won the Nobel Prize or anything. His family sometimes can just be so amusing.


I'm sure this is just the first of many posts about my lovely mother-in-law (MIL) because she is often a source of stress for me, but I have to tell you about last night. We went over to their house for dinner (she is a fabulous cook and we go there often for food), and on the way there Maddy falls asleep. I must also preface this with the fact that my brand new stampin' catalog arrived yesterday (it's like having another Christmas for me), so I really wanted to pour over every page of the 200 page "bible" of mine, but of course, had motherly duties to attend to when I got home. Anyhow, Maddy falls asleep in the car. We take her into his mom's house and instead of letting her take her usual little cat nap in her car seat, she has to fidget with her and take her out of her seat and thus, wake her up. I was so pissed! So, she takes her out of the seat and holds her for a little bit until she really wakes up, and I think she could tell by my face that I wanted my daughter, so she handed her back to me so she could finish making dinner. So, I play with Maddy for a little while and we rock in the rocking chair and talk... Then, it's dinner time, so Jerry takes Maddy and lets me go eat. I eat, then he eats, and then we play with Maddy some more.

Now, tomorrow and Friday, the MIL and the SIL are having a garage sale at SIL's house. They've been planning this for months, yet had to load everything up and get it all set up last night. This is very typical of them, they wait to load and unload things until my ginormous husband is there to help (even though we have nothing to do with this garage sale). They spend all this time hauling shit over to her house and setting it all up, and they are going to sit in the 90 degree heat for two days so that they might get a couple hundred bucks each - if a bunch of crazy people buy their junk. No thanks. My time is more valuable to me. I could go on about this, but I want to fill you in on the rest of the night...

We finish dinner and then it's time for Maddy to eat, so I get her bottle ready and pry the baby out of MIL's arms to feed her (this is the first time I got to feed her all day), and Maddy falls asleep in my arms. So, I sit in the rocking chair and hold her, while the rest of the family starts yelling up and down from the basement about things they want to sell/not sell. Their yelling wakes up Maddy, but she was still rubbing her eyes and obviously still tired. Instead of letting me rock her back to sleep - Jerry's mom takes her from me because SIL's baby, Jenna, was up and playing on the floor and MIL wanted Maddy to play with her. So, she takes her from me and plops her on the floor with Jenna. Maddy immediately starts screaming because she's tired and just wants held. So, I pick her up and start to rock her. MIL says, "Mommy has to rescue you." I shot her the evil eye - there would've been no need to "rescue" her if MIL hadn't pissed her off.

It just amazes me at how she does things for her own amusement - she wants to take a picture of the two of them, she fusses with them and makes them all mad until she gets what she wants. She wants them to play together - so she plops on the floor regardless of what they want or need. She wants to hold her, so she wakes her up! Ugh.

This is especially stressing me out because after the summer, when Jer goes back to school, MIL is taking care of both babies. This is good because we are leaving Maddy with family and we don't have to pay for daycare/babysitter; however, I feel like once she starts to watch her, I'll lose a little bit of control over my daughter's life.

We've been having discussions about "solids" for the babies, and back in the day, babies were given cereal really early on, but now our pediatrician says nothing until 4 months. Well, SIL listens to everything MIL says and doesn't consult her dr. about anything, and she gave Jenna cereal at 8 weeks. Last night, she tells SIL she should start giving her fruits (Jenna is now 12 weeks old). She teases Maddy about being on a "liquid diet," but I get mad because she second guesses everything... My mom says to me, "I would never give you advice about such things because I know things have changed so much since I had babies," but NO, not MIL - she knows everything and tells me all the time about how I should give her cereal and stuff. Maddy is 14 weeks old, and I have given her 2 tablespoons of cereal on two occasions - it is a complete mess and she gets all mad between bites. So, I decided when I gave it to her the first time (2 weeks ago) that I would start by just giving it to her once a week - to experiment and see what she thought of it and then once we go the pediatrician for her four-month check-up start giving it to her everyday, depending on what she recommends. MIL thinks I'm starving the kid. I am in for a real treat come Sept.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Maddy, Mommy & the Mall

As soon as I got home last night I gave Maddy a bottle and then we were off for a little shopping spree. I got a lot of $$ for my b-day and of course, had to spend it. I majorly needed some work clothes (since pretty much my entire wardrobe is now too small due to the roll that once was Maddy). I love taking Maddy to the mall; she absolutely loves her stroller and is always happy and smiley in the mall. So, we hit some great sales, she falls asleep and I'm finding some great new duds. Now, my husband had bought me some gift cards to Kohl's (one from him and one from Maddy). I knew I had another hour before Maddy was due to eat again, so I figured I'd go to Kohl's too. Well, I was in the fitting room there and Maddy starts to poop - really loud, definitely can tell she's pooping. So, I throw my clothes back on and book it out of there, because I didn't really want to change her at the store. We hop back into the car (well, as much as you can "hop into a car" when hauling a stroller and a small infant) and headed home. It is about a 15 minute ride, so I figured she'd be ok. WRONG. We weren't in the car for two minutes and she started screaming.

Maddy is a really good-natured baby and never really cries except to eat or when she needs changed, so I felt really really bad. I tried to calm her down by talking to her and reaching my go-go Gadget arm back there to give her the binky and rub her head a little. Nothing worked. My cell phone rings and it is Jerry, so I tell him the situation. As soon as I ran in the door, he had a diaper waiting and a bottle already warmed up... he's such a great dad! So, I change her, hand her to Jer to get fed, and head right back out the door. I needed to go to the pharmacy to pick up my allergy medicine and it was 9:00 and we hadn't eaten anything. So, I run to the store and go through McDonald's drive thru (I told you it was gonna be a fast food night), and when I get home, Maddy is still crying. I felt sooooo bad, until I picked her up and she stopped. She just wanted her Momma. Now, for any new mom's out there, you know that when your baby lets you know that she knows who her Momma is and you're the only one that makes her happy, you feel like you are on top of the world. So, I was and she was too.

I gave her a nice warm bath, put on her pj's, gave her a little bottle to "top her off," and rocked her to sleep. She was out cold in two seconds. I love our little nightly routine. It really is my favorite time with her, and Jerry is well aware that baths are off-limits during the day. She swims all around in that tub. We have this thing Safer Bather.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Baby Laughs

My mom bought me this book for my birthday. I started reading it last night and I can't wait to go home and read some more. It's hilarious! Baby Laughs

Lunch Time

So, it's noon. Time when I'm supposed to be eating lunch, but I've decided that in the situation I am in, eating is really not an option. You see my brother is getting married on Aug. 6, and I am supposed to wear this pink monstrosity that is the bridesmaid dress. Well, as I told you, I just had a baby, so I am trying to lose the more than "25-35" of recommended weight gain from the pregnancy. The last time I tried on this dress, it barely zipped and looked completely horrible. Because of course, the "bitch-in-law" as I have named her (but that's a whole nother story), had to pick out dresses when I was 5 months pregnant and had no clue what size to order. So, I am fighting this terrible battle now, all for the sake of this pink dress and the fact that my entire family is going to be taking photos of me that I will be seeing for the rest of life. I really do want to look nice too - Maddy is going down the aisle with Jerry and I, and the pics will be priceless! Oh, and I have to pay $60 for my hair to be "done up," so I really don't want to look like a complete fat ass with nice hair :) At any rate, I'm not eating lunch.

I had a bagel from Panera this morning and smothered it with Hazelnut cream cheese, and I'm feeling incredibly fat. Granted, I brought the bagels in myself, because we have this lovely area in our department known as our "cafe" and we take turns each week bringing in food (yet we all wonder why we can't lose any weight). So, it's my turn this week and I forgot until I was on my way in this morning and Panera just happens to be right on the corner by work. So, I ate a fattening bagel with cream cheese and now feel like lunch is out of the question. Although I'm going to the mall with Maddy after work, so fast food is probably on the menu for dinner and the lack of lunch will really make no difference, I'm still going to stick out the hour without scarfing down food. And ya know, Aaron (my co-worker) had his birthday yesterday, so we're going out to lunch tomorrow to celebrate at this lovely place known as the Jigsaw and we'll eat some fried bar food. We went out on Friday for my birthday - Macaroni Grill, I love their garlic cream sauce!

I have all intentions of exercising to lose weight for this wedding, and I think about it a lot. I've taken Maddy on walks and am playing softball, but the really kick-butt exercising has yet to make it into my routine. I've asked the hubby to pull out my elyptical machine (had to have that a couple of years ago and now it's in the storage area of our basement) but he hasn't done it yet, so that works well as an excuse. As does the baby and family obligations, but I really really have to do something in the next couple of weeks!

This wedding is probably going to be the topic of a lot of posts in the coming weeks - bachelorette party is July 9th, and all this BS for it is coming up. It doesn't help that I'm not really a fan of HER - considering she had an affair with my husband WHILE I WAS PREGNANT!!! Don't even ask - it was the worst time of my life and it affects my marriage every single day and I cannot even believe my brother is still marrying that whore!!! And I stayed with Jerry only because of the baby, but we are totally working on things, and I must say I don't think "we" have ever really been closer than we are now. But, anyhow I hate her and I think you can understand why. My family doesn't know any of this, so everyone else is all chipper and happy about this wedding. I have to put on a show as a bridesmaid, but she knows better than to expect too much out of me. I really just can't wait to see Maddy in her pink dress and I want to be a good sister for my brother - he deserves it after what the bitch and Jerry put us through - OH, and Jerry is in the wedding too. How crazy is that! Yeah.

First Time

OK - Here it goes...
This is the first time I'm ever posting on a blog, but I guess when you have a baby you start experiencing a lot of "firsts," and I thought this would be a great place for talking about my life and an even better way to kill some time at work!

So, about me... My name is Mandy, and I turned 26 this past Saturday. I have a three month old baby, Maddy, and I've been married to Jerry for 3 years. I do PR for a company in Cleveland (to remain confidential), where I've worked for the past 2 years, and I'm also a Stampin' Up! (check out demonstrator in my spare time. I come from a pretty close-knit family, just one younger brother (Chris) and some pretty great parents. My husband is a fifth grade teacher, who is enjoying his time off and taking care of Maddy now. We live in a pretty decent house that we built three years ago (around the time we got married) and we have a shih-tzu named Mugsy. I'll probably post about softball too, we both play a couple of times a week, as do many of my family members. That's a pretty good summary.

So, today is Monday. I hate Mondays. I have spent most of the morning surfing the Internet for the weekend's happenings and checking out some of the sites I visit routinely. I love for their amusing "entertainment" news and I always visit for the latest "world" news. I check out our county paper's web site too, although it completely sucks (, but I like to know what's going on in our neighborhood. But my favorite site lately is that of my best friend, Becky. She just had twin baby girls last week and she posts pics and news about them on their web site. I've been checking out web sites to avoid doing work, but summer is our slowest time of year, so there really isn't that much to do anyhow.