Thursday, November 10, 2005


Today just sucks. I have the period from hell. Granted, I am relieved to have it because it came a whole week late (thank you stress - new job, new house, PIL disaster), but still I am having cramps so bad it feels like I'm being stabbed with a dull knife continuously. Ugh.

On a happy note - we signed papers for the new house last night and we will be meeting with the mortgage guy on Monday. That's exciting. Now, we just have to sell our house and we'll be all set.

On another blah note - Madeline has a cold. She woke up all stuffy and with a runny nose. Poor thing. I hate leaving her when she's not feeling well... It makes me feel totally guilty.

I have a ton of writing to do here at work, so I really better go. Sorry for this boring post, but like I said, I just feel blah.


Tricia said...

Sorry about the period - you always have icky ones!

And, congrats on the house!!!

Maddy's Mommy said...

Yeah, I do always have bad ones. They've been worse since I've had the baby.

Thanks. I'm really excited about the house now.