Monday, June 05, 2006

Random Thoughts

Well, this week on Thursday is our four year wedding anniversary. It's amazing to me how much has changed in that time. This week four years ago, Jerry and I were living in my parents old basement waiting for our first house to be completed. We were running around preparing for the wedding. I was so confident in our relationship and so sure that everything was perfect between us. We took those vows and I just thought that was it - everything would be great. Ha! I had no idea how much we would have to fight to get to this point and all the things we would go through in such a short amount of time. I'm glad though, because we're stronger for it, and it is totally the nature of our relationship - wise beyond our years and taking the fast track to everything.

We're supposed to go out on Friday to celebrate. I have no idea where/what we're doing, but hopefully it will be something nice.

Maddy has a bad cough and is sick. Poor baby.

It's Jer's last week of school. He'll be home with Maddy starting Monday. Big switch in the routine... We'll see.

I joined a gym. I've been there 3 times (last week), and will be going four days a week from now on.

Gotta run to work.

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