Thursday, September 13, 2007


So, I had to be at work today at 4:30 in the morning. No biggie, until Miss Emma wakes up at 2 a.m.! Now, she has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 weeks old, and she picks last night to wake up with the sniffles/a cold. I was huffy and puffy climbing out of bed to go get her, but it was so bizarre because the very second I had her in my arms all of that stress/anger just melted away. She's the sweetest little thing and she loves her mommy, and she melts my heart.

Went to bed early last night (to prepare for my early rise today), and putting Maddy to bed early is a challenge. She's a chatty Cathy... Anyhow, we read some books and then she says, "Mom, cuddle me. I love you soooo much!" Doesn't get any better than that!

I had to be at work early because we are in the middle of our annual Radiothon (Clevelanders - tune in to Mix 106.5 FM). It's my job to find the "miracle stories" we record and put to music. Listening to the stories brings tears to my eyes every single time, but this morning, one of the moms called in after her story aired and the person who answered in the phone bank said that this mom was asking for me. I got on the phone, and she's teary and says, "thank you so much for letting us be a part of this!" Wow. I love my job.


Ryzmomplus2 said...

I don't know how you juggle all that you do! Those pictures of the kids are adorable!

Maddy's Mommy said...

It's not easy, especially with Jerry having broken his leg and on crutches and missing school for the next month!