Thursday, February 23, 2006

Harder than I thought...

So my brother is having a much harder time dealing with his divorce than I thought. My called me this morning all upset because he kind-of had a breakdown last night and was talking suicide and everything. Turns out he's kind-of obsessed with what she's doing now (or should I say who she's doing now), and he drives by her house and calls her just to catch her in lies. Totally psycho, but the thing is he knows he's psycho about it. He went to the dr. today, and I hope they refer him to a therapist or something... He knows he needs help and he's reaching out to get it, which is a really good sign.

I'll tell you what kind-of put him over the edge recently - she had the gall to send him a Valentine's Day card (a husband one) in the mail and write all this mushy bs in it, and he just wigged out.

I feel really bad for him, and he's so torn. He was supposed to be moving out and getting his own apartment, but my parents don't really think that's a good idea right now, and he's having doubts too, so we'll see what happens.

My heart just aches for him, and I, as always, just want to go find that bitch and beat her down!

1 comment:

FlipFlopGirl said...

I totally think we could take her. ;-) She's evil with a capital E and hopefully he'll realize that soon enough. Someday he'll meet someone who deserves his genuine love and care and be able to move on. Till then he's in my prayers and I'd totally have your back. (flip flops double as weapons you know) hehe