Monday, October 15, 2007


Yeah, in case you missed in that last post... life is about to get a whole lot more interesting in the never-ending drama that is my brother. He told us all on Friday that his girlfriend is pregnant.

I don't think I've posted very much about him and the whole psycho divorce hell scene, but I'm sure I will be using this blog as an outlet for some of things I can't ever say to him or to my family. So, let me give you the low-down...

Bro and Girlfriend met in summer of 2006 (his divorce was final in March 2006). They met at the bar below his old apartment. The first time that I met her, she walked out of my brother's room wearing his clothes and looking all disheveled. She has a daughter, who shares the same name as my oldest, who is 4 1/2.

In November last year, she bought a condo and my brother moved in with her and the girl.

Now, here we are, less than a year later, and they're having a baby. They are excited about this, and semi-planned this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet, they are not married. They have no money. They have no room for the baby in the condo. Just a couple of weeks ago, my brother had to take his dog to the vet, and he had to borrow money from my mom to do that!!!! Agh.

I don't know where to start, but I also cannot begin to tell you how completely in awe I am of my mother. She is completely calm about the whole situation. She claims she saw it coming. I also think she's just going with the flow, because she can't really say anything seeing as she got pregnant with me when she was 14 - not exactly the ideal situation either.

We all know he will be a great dad; however, I have seen this chick in mommy-action and it is not exactly a pretty scene. We'll see how this all goes down. I'll be posting more often, I'm sure of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy,
I tagged you on my blog